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Sigh of relief: AltCap Helps Local Realtor Get Back on Her Feet

How CELT Realty Group founder Carletta Temple made her own way during the pandemic.

Carletta Temple, the founder and owner of real estate brokerage firm CELT Realty Group, and her team of agents work with residential and commercial consumers throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

Since 2015, Carletta had worked hard to build awareness for the quality services that CELT Realty Group provides its clients. CELT was in a steady pattern of growth when the pandemic presented her with a wave of new challenges. As national and local real estate markets experienced a significant drop in inventory, Carletta and her team started to face steep leadership and market challenges.

“…It felt like a response to an urgency. Having a 12-month grace period to not have to worry about making a loan payment allowed me time to adjust and allowed my team to focus on what mattered most—the clients we serve.”

“My agents looked to me to lead them through this unprecedented time. I had to figure out what was going to motivate my team and keep them creative, empowered and informed.”

Carletta envisioned a new strategy to keep her business’ doors open, and she knew to make this happen amidst the challenges caused by the pandemic, she would need relief capital.

As a member of the Prospect Business Association, Carletta stayed informed on small business resources, including AltCap’s relief efforts, the KC Region Small Business Relief + Recovery Loan Fund and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which deployed $12.3 million in total funding for small businesses throughout Kansas and Missouri—$9.5 million of which supported women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs of color. Prior to the pandemic, Carletta had enrolled in NeXt Stage KC, AltCap’s business development training program, so her familiarity with AltCap’s mission and impact in the community helped her feel comfortable applying for relief funding.

“The pandemic had a lot of peaks and valleys,
but it also rebirthed some things in us.”

“I had a great conversation with the business development team, and they helped me become comfortable with taking on a loan. They were available to answer questions whenever I called, which helped me feel at peace with the partnership that we embarked on. The process was smooth. It felt like a response to an urgency. Having a 12-month grace period to not have to worry about making a loan payment allowed me time to adjust and allowed my team to focus on what mattered most—the clients we serve.”

Carletta’s strategy is working. The KC Region Relief + Recovery Loan Fund helped Carletta cover operational expenses for her business and keep her team afloat. Fast forward to today, CELT is on a pattern of growth as the team keeps up with ongoing market changes.  

“The pandemic had a lot of peaks and valleys, but it also rebirthed some things in us.”

As she continued to make strides through 2021, AltCap’s support helped Carletta finish the year strong. Since 2020, CELT Realty Group welcomed three new agents to their team and is preparing to open a new office space in 2022 among many other big goals.

Carletta and her team are prepared to handle almost any challenge that comes their way.